Friday, April 17, 2009

good + bad = normal :)

Yo friends!

I received 2 death sentences for the past 2 days, and I can say that they are really good death sentences which can assure my head cut off by Tuesday. I've gotten around 7 demerit points(I might get even more, the are still considering to press more charges) to earn my first death sentence and around 11 demerit points (I might get even more, the are still considering to press more charges)for the second death sentence. Therefore, I can confirm that I'm going to die before Tuesday, or maybe around there, and it's time for me to worry. Hooray.

I was referring to the 2 wonderfully heartbreaking test papers I took yesterday and the day before. I messed up some really dumb questions that make me feel like dunking my head in the toilet bowl, now that I'm thinking about it. The results will be back by Tuesday, and getting those results are probably worse than dunking my head in the toilet bowl. On the bright side, it means that if someone dunked my head into the toilet bowl for fun, I would be able to bear it, since I can('t) bear the results before my eyes. But it's not like anybody will do that. DON'T TRY THAT ON ME.
The teachers seem heartbroken too, with my Chinese teacher and Maths teacher telling the class their depression. Sean was like "Mdm Sha is emo!" and well, that might as well be true. Especially when Mdm Sha broke a rubber band into bits and said that was how her heart looked like. It was sort of scary. Sorry to all teachers who have seen my offensive exam papers. Please do not look for me with a broom, mop, gun or rotten tomatoes, I apologise right now. *LMAO*

Well I haven't been talking a lot about my class, and I think I might share the cool bits.

1. Word of the Day/Name of the Day
Somebody will update the board almost daily with hilarious stuff. Check out these examples that appeared on the board.
The act of worshipping oneself.
NAME OF THE DAY - Samuel Sim
A person who invented 5 rules of assumption and is a Samuelist.
The act of worshipping soccer balls.
The art of staring stony faced (or was it expressionless?).

I really hope I don't offend anybody here. Forgive me if you feel angry at any information here. I will remove them if they are offensive. But seriously I have no offence against anybody.

2. Wat-cha (washa!)
It is not as popular as the Ochimbo Bird fever in Term 1, but I guess it's not outdated or unpopular yet.
Inaccurate Lyrics (ROFL) it is actually a song in a foreign language with a catchy tune. It doesn't really make sense if you don't know the meaning.
Teng-ah sin-gu wahra buteh, o- wat-cha (everybody pronounces it as "washa"), wat-cha, wat-cha

Teng-ah sin-gu wah-ra bu-teh, o- wat-cha , wat-cha, wat-cha

Wat-cha~, Wat-cha~, Wat-cha, wat-cha, wat-cha~
Wat-cha~, Wat-cha~, Wat-cha, Wat-cha, wat-cha~

And repeat everything all over again. There is no proper ending. I don't know why I'm typing all this, maybe I'm bored and just don't know what to write. Whatever. BTW my title has a "good" in it so the good thing about today is something concerning paper and words! :D Some TAG3 students know it. I won't say anyway.

Have a great day friends!!

Grapesgirl Sakura

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