Today, I did 3 PSLE papers! English, Science and Maths! Okay, Maths one question left...but who cares anyway. I am pretty okay with English and Science but the last few questions for Maths are slightly a killer, so I had to take a break. I don't think I can do very well for Maths either. But again, I don't care. I still have a year to tackle it, so no sweat. Hopefully, I can hit 90. That's all I want. 90 for each subject will earn me a beloved 270. I am expecting something like a 260-265 on the real day, though.
I had piano lesson today and as usual, I stumble over the same notes, falter at the same songs, equals I learnt nothing today. Sigh. I don't like piano that much when I am under the pressure of my teacher and I hate theory even more. Somehow these 2 don't seem to get along with me that well. At least, not as well as violin. :)
Now, for the highlights of this post: Ta-dah, the king of all pigsties! I mean, study tables.

Doesn't my study table look awesome??!! I love it! And no, I DID NOT purposely mess it up, it was already like that when I took the pic. Try identifying as many objects as possible!! Speaking of which, I woke up today to find out that someone had tidied my table for me. But it doesn't matter, I messed it up again! ;)
Now who dares to challenge my study table? If you think yours is better than mine, send me an attachment! My email is:
Wow Grace, you have a laptop?
Yes! :) Actually I was not supposed to have one. But I spend so much time at the old computer shared with my parents plus the old com keeps fouling up and shutting down on its own, could not help but get one! :)
Ohhhhh, so good! Anyway I am willing to take up the table challenge =) Check your inbox!
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