Friday, May 7, 2010


Hi friends,

OKay this is not a proper long post cos I'm too lazy to do one. This one is just to appeal.

PLEASE. Attend Nanyang Strings' fantastic mind-blowing explosive crazy awesome inspiring power-packed melodious eye-widening jaw-drop-inducing incredible excellent prodigious marvelous brilliant terrific superb amazing out-of-this-world breathtaking

CONCERT. YES IT IS THAT GOOD. We will be led by Mr Trevor Sze, the bestest conductor and teacher EVAAARR. You'll find yourself enraptured, unable to leave your seat. You'll hold your breath, you'll be dazzled, you'll enter a dream-like state during the slow songs and find yourself jerked into an energy pumping piece played with vigour that will have you bobbing your head and tapping your foot. YES IT IS THAT GOOD. We have crazy players (me not included)eg. our talented soloist Tingwei, and others like Eugenia, JingTing, Pamela, Asey, AIYAH JUST ALMOST EVERYONE IM NOT GOING TO LIST OUT THE ENTIRE ENSEMBLE HERE.

And guess what's more. We will be accompanying a professional harpist as well as flutist who have many achievements and the package comes with the powerful winds section consisting of two oboe players and two horn players. The celestial sounds of the harp, flute and violin match the refreshing sounds from the winds section perfectly.

Diluculum - A new beginning. 15 May, 7pm, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory. There and then, you'll be blown away. Approach me for tickets. 10$ each, and fully worth it.

You will be there. You will not miss this remarkable concert.

And yes, I used a thesaurus.


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