Thursday, November 12, 2009

PSLE results in 2 weeks. yes, I want to depress everybody.

Hi friends,

It's actually back coming in 2 weeks. It seems I mean like we just finished PSLE and the results are going to be out. HOW FREAKY IS THAT.

I was thinking that it would be better if they don't reveal the score. I mean, they could tell us the "highest school" that we can enter (as in, the best school which accepts your score) and save us a lot of anxiety and stuff, especially for those who DSAed because the school they applied for will be the school they will be told. No one wants his exact score right in the face unless he knows that it's going to be good. I know the confident ones look forward to seeing their real score but seriously what good does it do. Well, if you score well, then go ahead and be happy. But a not bad, but maybe disappointing score only makes us depressed. Besides, when everybody starts comparing PSLE scores you feel like disappearing. If you're disappointed.

Some people ask me: What am I so scared about? I have already been accepted through DSA! Well, call me proud or anything, but will anybody ever say, "I am in NYGH and I got 240 (not saying that's a lousy score but I don't think 240 can get you into NYGH)" I mean what would people think?!

So anyway while the dreaded day approaches I think I'll try to avoid thinking about it. All the best guys. Check out this vid for anxiety relief:
"My bleeding soul is bananaaaa!!" XD


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