I really want to blog but I really don't know what to blog so I'm going to list down a whole list of random stuff. Really random.
1. You know, those calendars? The ones that have pictures and come with famous quotes or "tips" on how to live and all that? Well, there was one page where the quote was "A thousand miles journey is started by taking the FIRST step." And guess what the picture that came with it was? The picture of a tiny little butterfly resting on a plant, centimetres away from this GIGANTIC spider web. One leg was already brushing a thread of the web, like it was going to take its first step into the fantastic trap ahead. Wow. How ironic. A thousand miles journey to where? Down the spider's stomach?
2.Please, PLEASE don't think that I'm a sissy who still plays with my dolls. PLEASE it's not that I play with my dolls but when you're bored and happen to be clearing out a cupboard and have a piece of tissue in your hand you'll do anything.

Sorry, you've got to crane your neck to see this. AND let me reinforce this fact: I DO NOT PLAY WITH MY DOLLS, AND I'M NOT A SISSY. But if you're going to think of the fact that the dress sucks and the entire thing is just sick then I'm fine with it because I fully agree. All you need to make this dress is tissue paper, scotch tape and a hell lot of boredom. Done.
3. I'm seriously obsessed with pet society. So much that I'm neglecting my blog and poor Durian. Can't remember the last time I fed him.
4. Now all we do in school is play UNO and Stress and Tahiti and do some crazy gaming in the com lab. And scream at each other. And act like lunatics. And attend physics workshops and visit an old folks' home. But it's actually pretty fun. You can check out snippets of what happened at the NUS workshop at www.grab-your-mouse-and-double-click.blogspot.com, where Way attached videos. They are short and REALLY FUNNY. And life is fun - what with everybody playing boxhead, mapling, and teasing each other about their "significant halves". >:P An Yee's a total expert at that - her ears, eyes and brain are naturally sharp. Same goes for Claire. The recent targets have been _____ and ______ and ______ and ______. *knowing smile*
5. I LOVE DEMI LOVATO!! And almost every song from her "here we go again" album. I want that album!!
. I have decided to go Nanyang after some consideration. My dad and I listed out the
pros and cons of both RGS and NYGH and we've concluded that thanks to the location of NYGH and my sucky Math Nanyang is where I'm most likely going. To elaborate on the sucky Math bit, not that NYGH is poorer in Math than RGS, but, to quote from a forum, "What I heard abt NYGH is that the girls are gradually guided to the deep end of the pool over the 4 years while in RGS there are thrown into the deep end of the pool from day 1." There you go. That pretty much seals where I'm going. And of course the fantastic part is that I get to see Siew Rong. :)
7. While having breakfast I saw this dog that looks like a very cute bundle of cotton wool. My mum was like "TAKE PICTURE TAKE PICTURE." So we approached the owners and my mum excited snapped these pics. That dog was very friendly, didn't even make a sound when we took pictures!

8. The end? ... This post is ridiculously lame...