First things first.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MDM SHA!!!!! Sheng ri kuai le, Saengil Chukha Hamnida!
1-1APPY B1r+1-1DAY (this is how it's written on the calculator. She's my P6 Math teacher! :D) I want all my P6 teachers back T_T
Hi friends,
You're jealous right?...
...I know you aren't.
And it was not the real concert, it was like the rehearsal, so there were some interruptions here and there. And they were filming it in 3D and they were filming the audience too and we got the first row so we had to not fall asleep.
Which is sometimes challenging -
- DON't GET ME WRONG They're really awesome. I MEAN IT. They are like really awesome. And when they play the super loud parts with crazy grandeur you feel like you're being blown off your seat with this wave of awesomeness. Then another wave of awesome comes WHOOSH and I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAA I'm surfing some awesome. And this tsunami of awesome sweeps you up in this pure awesomeness and crashes on my feeble mind and I'm all like WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (no I did not say that out loud. Of course not.)
But that was how my friend woke up.
She woke up whenever the grand parts of the symphony were played. And my brain which became hazy from time to time (my sincere apologies to the orchestra because they do not deserve a single sleepy member of the audience at all) woke up during those parts too.
It's not the orchestra's fault. It's just that...some parts sound like lullabies.
I'M REALLY SORRY...they don't deserve an audience like me who feels like sleeping in any part of the symphonies.
But at least I didn't sleep...3 of my friends did XD Then they woke up when they heard the loud clash of the cymbals and the awesomeness tsunami made its greatly anticipated entrance.
The conductor guy is called Sir Simon Rattle but thanks to his hair we preferred to call him Einstein. (The orchestra is German. Okay this is a random insert byebye) so um anyway he looks like a really fun humorous nice guy. All jolly and funny like a German. He looks really cool when he conducts it's like he's a magician and this magical show was performed with perfection.
OH LEMME INTERRUPT. Let's talk about some Asian pride.
The best player is ASIAN! YES THE BEST PLAYER IS THIS ASIAN GUY YAYYYYYYYYY He is in first violin and he gets random small solo parts once in a while. But he plays really loudly and really passionately. I feel my eyes being drawn to him. It's like he consumed some magic powder and his entire body jerks with this crazy powder and the music that pours out of his violin is MAGICAL AND EMOTIONAL AND PASSIONATE AND INTENSE AND I WANNA PLAY LIKE HIM.
Only thing is, he didn't consume any powder. IT'S BECAUSE HE'S ASIAN. The rest of the orchestra, they probably consumed the magic powder...
...Of course they didn't. All of them must have practised really hard. They probably make music their spouse or something. And they all look like very jolly happy people. Who drink their nights away and work like crazy the next morning for music. That's just my German stereotype but I'm pretty sure the guys drink a lot together.
The best part of the performance is seeing their togetherness. Like how they understand each other so much. And their passionfruit really shows. It shows in the way they perform. For example, I'm sitting in the front row so I don't get a very good view of anyone beyond the first row of violinists but I can see the hair of some people beyond the row flying around. Especially the bass guy. There is this bass guy with golden hair and he plays so crazily his hair looks amazing. I do find him inspiring because I feel that good bass players who play with passion are rare. I may be wrong though but all the same I find him inspiring.
I guess the funny part is when the conductor keeps going on and off the stage. In the brochure, one comment by a reviewer was "The ovation just kept going on and on."
This is what happened:
- Symphony ends and conductor bows. Very enthusiastic clapping in response which they truly deserve.
- Conductor leaves and clapping continues.
- Conductor goes up again to bow again or something. Clapping becomes louder.
- Conductor leaves and clapping continues but dies a bit.
- Conductor goes up to shake hands with some players and clapping becomes louder again.
- Conductor leaves and clapping dies a little but still going.
- Conductor goes up again to get flowers and clapping surges. My friend asks why is he going up so many times.
- Conductor leaves and clapping dies very little. My friend stops clapping.
- Conductor goes up and sections of the orchestra rise one by one to loud clapping. My friend shakes her tired arm.
- He goes off permanently.
Do I sound like I'm making fun of them? I hope not...because they did a great job. Tomorrow at CCA Mr Sze's going to ask us why we don't sound like that.
I have no answer...maybe it's because we have no magic powder.
Overall I think it was awesome and they would have received a standing ovation if the audience was not a Singaporean one but I wouldn't pay $600 for it. Or maybe I'm just not mature enough to fully appreciate it.
So um yeah that's it.:D
I'll go look for some powder. MWAHAHA.
And um enjoy the rest of your hols? :D
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
...*brushes dust away*...*acck*...*ACCCK*...
...Hi friends...
And honestly speaking, after reading the tags...I feel very touched. Really.
Thank you so much...thank you. *sob* THANK YOU WAAAAAAAAHHH -
- Anyway. I'm pretty annoyed by the people who commented on my last post. CAN ALL PERVERTS PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE EVEN IF ITS DEAD I DON'T WANT PERVERT POSTS POLLUTING IT.
I feel bad...really bad. I'll explain my disappearance.
After a while I actually find blogging tiring. The pressure of having to keep posting and to keep tagging other people. I used to hate dead blogs but now I understand them really. I give my full respect to regular bloggers. After I decided to abandon this blog I stayed away from this place as much as I could and refused to return. Because I would feel horrible if I did and I do now. The reason why I came back is because I wanted to get to my account and create a new blog without anyone knowing about it so I can blog without stress. I have not created it after I read the tags. I...sort of miss blogging I guess. Okay, scrap that. I MISS BLOGGING. But I think I have forgotten how to. I hope not.
So I just want to thank every single person who asked me to revive this...I'm not sure if I will. But I'm very grateful...
I'll just post this one post and I'll think about revival. I haven't been tagging other people and the links on the right probably don't even work anymore. I stopped visiting in order to tear away from blogging. Blogging is stressful...or maybe I'm making a big deal out of it. Okay I am. Besides I've changed quite a bit and I guess the way that I blog may change too, may be in a bad way. Or maybe I'll go create a blog that no one reads. But for now I'll try a proper post.
Here goes. *deep breath* *closes eyes*
Ehh I can't type with my eyes closed so ignore that.
I...have a box of Ricola pearls next to my computer now. It's strawberry flavoured. NO YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY SO YAY. The green chicken behind you can have some though. Yo chicken, want some? There you go. Um apparently over-consumption induces laxative effects but that's okay with me because I do business 2-3 times a week. And I have to say
And after consuming 6 pearls at one go I have been doing business every day for 3 days. THIS IS A MIRACLE. HOORAY FOR RICOLA but um this is not good for people who have no problems with doing business.
Okay how am I supposed to continue. *awkward silence*
...I GOT C5 FOR JAPANESE. MIRACLE TO BEHOLD. SAVE THE APPLAUSE. The fact that I didn't get a D for this is aMaZiNg. No I shall not reveal the results for other subjects because I'm honestly disappointed with my results but one thing I'll say is that I am really happy with my science results. Maybe I should take Science as an elective in Sec 3. But the disappointing results for other subjects are really disappointing. Whoa I'm very repetitive. I'm repeating repetitive sentences over and over again. I really repeat things alot. I'm repeating this again and again to emphasise I AM TOO REPETITIVE BECAUSE I REPEAT THINGS TOO MUCH
Okay what was that.
I didn't get an A1 in the final exam AND THAT IS AN UNFORGIVABLE CRIME HOW CAN MY SCIENCE BE BETTER THAN ENGLISH ARFHGWIDXUE!!! Thankfully my overall English score is still A1. Oh and I got a B4 for Geography. Wow I just realised that I contradicted what I said in the previous previous paragraph but never mind. AND IM VERY INDIGNANT ABOUT THAT. Seriously? I SPENT ALMOST ALL MY STUDY TIME ON GEOGRAPHY AND CRAMMED THE OTHER SUBJECTS AT THE LAST MINUTE. And I do the worst in Geography. HOW AWESOME. Because of Geography I hardly studied History and I'm really thankful that I still managed to get an A2 for History. That brought my Humanities score up.
*does not want to talk about academics* ITS THE HOLIDAYS.
It's the holidays.
Somehow, I am not jumping for joy and living up the party. I am spamming computer use now but whatever I don't feel like uplifted and in seventh heaven or whatever. I just feel...unenthusiastic. I'm back on facebook and pet society and the zest is somehow gone. It's like the year just whizzed by like that...I've changed so much as the days run past me. Time waits for no man, and it did not wait for me. As I look back I am filled with countless regrets and oh as the autumn leaves fall leaving its feared solitude and leads to the cold darkness and into the melancholy winter as the sad violin plays its intoxicating melody tearing leaves of hope down from tired trees of the forest and youth migrates with the birds of the air blah blah blah uerishfdhfdjfhierguv.....
1 hour later.
Sorry. Got carried away. Anyway I do hope that all of us will put this year behind us and move on to better things. Dilculum - a new beginning. Okay it does not help that I'm listening to a sad violin song entitled Sad Romance. At least it sounds better than Bad Romance I don't really like Lady Gaga. One letter makes a world of difference. Listening to Bad Romance right after listening to Sad Romance is an assault on the ears. I'm sorry if you like her. I don't hate her or her music though it's just normal music to me.
Okay I think my post is very long so I'll end off by saying thank you to the Sec 4 seniors. They have done a lot for me in my CCA and I truly admire them. I haven't even gotten them presents. I have become less social and therefore my relationship with many seniors is awkward. I would really want to be good friends with them but somehow I hold them in this high respect that I should not be good friends with them because they are too awesome. Thank you, and Diluculum wouldn't be possible without them.
This post is different from other posts I guess. I'm not happy about that. But I'll leave it. Heck I'll just post a photoshop attempt and go. Please enlarge the picture.

We miss being kids right?
...Hi friends...
And honestly speaking, after reading the tags...I feel very touched. Really.
Thank you so much...thank you. *sob* THANK YOU WAAAAAAAAHHH -
- Anyway. I'm pretty annoyed by the people who commented on my last post. CAN ALL PERVERTS PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE EVEN IF ITS DEAD I DON'T WANT PERVERT POSTS POLLUTING IT.
I feel bad...really bad. I'll explain my disappearance.
After a while I actually find blogging tiring. The pressure of having to keep posting and to keep tagging other people. I used to hate dead blogs but now I understand them really. I give my full respect to regular bloggers. After I decided to abandon this blog I stayed away from this place as much as I could and refused to return. Because I would feel horrible if I did and I do now. The reason why I came back is because I wanted to get to my account and create a new blog without anyone knowing about it so I can blog without stress. I have not created it after I read the tags. I...sort of miss blogging I guess. Okay, scrap that. I MISS BLOGGING. But I think I have forgotten how to. I hope not.
So I just want to thank every single person who asked me to revive this...I'm not sure if I will. But I'm very grateful...
I'll just post this one post and I'll think about revival. I haven't been tagging other people and the links on the right probably don't even work anymore. I stopped visiting in order to tear away from blogging. Blogging is stressful...or maybe I'm making a big deal out of it. Okay I am. Besides I've changed quite a bit and I guess the way that I blog may change too, may be in a bad way. Or maybe I'll go create a blog that no one reads. But for now I'll try a proper post.
Here goes. *deep breath* *closes eyes*
Ehh I can't type with my eyes closed so ignore that.
I...have a box of Ricola pearls next to my computer now. It's strawberry flavoured. NO YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY SO YAY. The green chicken behind you can have some though. Yo chicken, want some? There you go. Um apparently over-consumption induces laxative effects but that's okay with me because I do business 2-3 times a week. And I have to say
And after consuming 6 pearls at one go I have been doing business every day for 3 days. THIS IS A MIRACLE. HOORAY FOR RICOLA but um this is not good for people who have no problems with doing business.
Okay how am I supposed to continue. *awkward silence*
...I GOT C5 FOR JAPANESE. MIRACLE TO BEHOLD. SAVE THE APPLAUSE. The fact that I didn't get a D for this is aMaZiNg. No I shall not reveal the results for other subjects because I'm honestly disappointed with my results but one thing I'll say is that I am really happy with my science results. Maybe I should take Science as an elective in Sec 3. But the disappointing results for other subjects are really disappointing. Whoa I'm very repetitive. I'm repeating repetitive sentences over and over again. I really repeat things alot. I'm repeating this again and again to emphasise I AM TOO REPETITIVE BECAUSE I REPEAT THINGS TOO MUCH
Okay what was that.
I didn't get an A1 in the final exam AND THAT IS AN UNFORGIVABLE CRIME HOW CAN MY SCIENCE BE BETTER THAN ENGLISH ARFHGWIDXUE!!! Thankfully my overall English score is still A1. Oh and I got a B4 for Geography. Wow I just realised that I contradicted what I said in the previous previous paragraph but never mind. AND IM VERY INDIGNANT ABOUT THAT. Seriously? I SPENT ALMOST ALL MY STUDY TIME ON GEOGRAPHY AND CRAMMED THE OTHER SUBJECTS AT THE LAST MINUTE. And I do the worst in Geography. HOW AWESOME. Because of Geography I hardly studied History and I'm really thankful that I still managed to get an A2 for History. That brought my Humanities score up.
*does not want to talk about academics* ITS THE HOLIDAYS.
It's the holidays.
Somehow, I am not jumping for joy and living up the party. I am spamming computer use now but whatever I don't feel like uplifted and in seventh heaven or whatever. I just feel...unenthusiastic. I'm back on facebook and pet society and the zest is somehow gone. It's like the year just whizzed by like that...I've changed so much as the days run past me. Time waits for no man, and it did not wait for me. As I look back I am filled with countless regrets and oh as the autumn leaves fall leaving its feared solitude and leads to the cold darkness and into the melancholy winter as the sad violin plays its intoxicating melody tearing leaves of hope down from tired trees of the forest and youth migrates with the birds of the air blah blah blah uerishfdhfdjfhierguv.....
1 hour later.
Sorry. Got carried away. Anyway I do hope that all of us will put this year behind us and move on to better things. Dilculum - a new beginning. Okay it does not help that I'm listening to a sad violin song entitled Sad Romance. At least it sounds better than Bad Romance I don't really like Lady Gaga. One letter makes a world of difference. Listening to Bad Romance right after listening to Sad Romance is an assault on the ears. I'm sorry if you like her. I don't hate her or her music though it's just normal music to me.
Okay I think my post is very long so I'll end off by saying thank you to the Sec 4 seniors. They have done a lot for me in my CCA and I truly admire them. I haven't even gotten them presents. I have become less social and therefore my relationship with many seniors is awkward. I would really want to be good friends with them but somehow I hold them in this high respect that I should not be good friends with them because they are too awesome. Thank you, and Diluculum wouldn't be possible without them.
This post is different from other posts I guess. I'm not happy about that. But I'll leave it. Heck I'll just post a photoshop attempt and go. Please enlarge the picture.

We miss being kids right?
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